Use A Nail Strengthener

Nail Strengtheners are magic what you want for your brittle nails. The consistent use of a nail Strengthener can potentially improve the overall quality of your nail.

Moisturization Is The Key

moisturizing your nails with essential oils can help them strengthen and grow at a fast pace. A consistent nail care routine can prevent brittle nails.

Healthy And Balanced Diet

that includes multivitamins fruits and vegetables. Ensure your nails get the food they need such as vitamin A, B and D and plenty of iron.

Limiting The Use Of Acrylic Nail Paints

having regular gel colors on nails is not a good idea for brittle nails; they are chemical based elements that weaken overall formulation of your nail.

Keep Shorter Nail

It is a must for weak nails person to keep their Neel and short to avoid unnecessary shipping or peeling of nails